Knowing Safe Travels:

As I awake to this good God day, I am aware of the sounds around me, the quail, the doves, the songbirds, the neighbors and the waves upon the sea shore and I recognize that I am a part of this beautiful picture which is the manifest body of God. I recognize that wherever I am and wherever I go, I am in God, surrounded by the magnificence and glory that God is in all it's forms, the seen and the unseen. I recognize my oneness with it all.

Remembering that I am so much more than this physical body, that I am as God is, infinite and eternal, and that I am a perfect individualized expression of that One, I let go of any concerns for my safety because the infinite and eternal can not be harmed. The infinite and eternal One is living my life as me.

The infinite and eternal is omniscient, knows all, about all, therefore it knows all and everything about me. The infinite and eternal is omnipotent, all powerful, and nothing can usurp it's power. Its power is good and for good always and I can use it.

So today, right here, right now, I claim this power for good in my life, which is the perfect life of God, and I declare safe and perfect travel. Wherever I go, how ever I go, by plane by boat, by car, by train, bus or simply by foot, I am safe. I am safe because I go in God with God as the perfect expression of God as me. I go in safety and in Love and Light. Love and Light permeate my very being. Love leads me and Light makes the way clear before me. I am guided, guarded and protected with every breath I take and every step I make.

Birthed from this consciousness of oneness is a cloak of light so brightly radiating from the pure light of God within me, all darkness is dispelled, and all that I see is the face of God in everyone and everything, wherever I am and wherever I go.

And so I release any sense of worry or concern and accept that I can only, always be safe in God. I declare this as my truth and accept this as my truth, right here, right now and always. And so with conviction, knowing that my word is powerful, I let my word go into that law of God that has already made it so and I simply say thank you God, and it is so!

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