Knowing Perfect Health:

How very good it is to know that there is a loving intelligence present everywhere. It is the intelligence that created everything, enfolds everything, is at the source of everything. Its essence is love, peace, harmony and wholeness. It is available to all for guidance and support. As we turn to it, it turns to us.
Knowing this, I turn to it now, breathing deeply into the soul of my being that connects to that infinite within. I allow its intelligence to guide and protect me in all ways, always.
I know that there is a pattern of perfection available in that realm of the Divine within, so I call it forth into expression in my mind and my body. I listen to my body and follow its guidance to balance right work, the right play and the right rest. I exercise to give my body strength and flexibility. I eat healthy food to nourish every cell, every organ and every action within my body. I dispel and dismiss anything constraining or constricting the flow of good. I let go of doubt, distrust, worry, condemnation and fear. I allow the law of love to keep my mind focused on beauty, truth and wholeness. I accept perfect assimilation, elimination and circulation. I hold steadfastly to the truth that all of life is in a state of eternal movement and I allow that perfect Life Essence to flow through me now. 
I am grateful that my body is responding to the healing activity of my conscious thought of perfection. I am thankful that anything unlike wholeness is disappearing into its native nothingness. 
As I release my word into the responsive and ever active law of life, I know that it is accomplished perfectly.
And so it is.

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