Breathing Perfect Health:

I breathe in and relax into this moment, right here, right now, recognizing that I am part of life, I am in life and life is in me. I contemplate the meaning this has for me and notice how I feel being in it. What I know is this, that this life is the life of God and I get to live it! So today, I am once again grateful to be alive, to live the life that I have this day in harmony with nature and at peace with all that is, knowing that all that is, was and ever will be is the one perfect life that is God. 

Knowing this truth, I recognize my life as the perfect life of God too, for God lives, moves and has it's being in me, as my life. As it breathes me, my lungs are filled with Spirit, and I breathe fully, effortlessly and in perfect rhythm with the divine breath of life itself.  As it moves me, I move in perfect rhythm with the heart beat of the Divine. With each breath and with each heart beat that happen automatically, on time, without me having to do anything, I live, I am alive!

All the trillions of my cells know exactly what to do for perfect balance, harmony and health in order for this body to function optimally and support me as a divine expression of Spirit to perform my function here on earth in every moment of every day.

Every breath I take and every step I make is one of vibrant health, vitality, strength and power. I let go of any fear of virus, bacteria, or anything that could cause sickness or death, for I know that the truth of my being is that I am so much more than this physical body.

I am infinite and eternal Spirit, living as high vibration and energy in this body of flesh and bones, organs, muscles and blood vessels. I know all the physical functions that are required in every moment for me to perform my function of love, as Love, from love, are infinitely working for my highest ideal of perfect health in every moment!

And so I claim vibrant health, vitality, and strength right now, knowing this as my birthright, knowing that everything I need and more is always within me and around me at all times! I know that I live in a friendly Universe that is not only for my highest good, but for the highest good of all. It is not only for the good of my body and the body of my affairs, but for the good of the body of affairs of our community, the greater community and the whole world. It is for the highest good of all.

I know that whatever is going on on the outer is a reflection of the inner, and so I give thanks for all the wake up calls that I am seeing on this journey, recognizing and realizing that this is the time to awaken to my spiritual magnificence in all its splendor and glory so that I live in and from  a high vibration of consciousness that knows that I am one with all of life, with all peoples, with mother earth and father sky.

There is only this One, the gloriously, perfect expression of God in form. This perfect expression of Spirit I get to witness here and now in 3-D reality includes a sense of time, and this time is now, it is this perfect moment, the only moment I have, the one, eternal moment.

And so, in this perfect, eternal moment, I anchor my awareness in the truth that I know to be true, that there is only one thing happening, it is the One living in through and as me, as my life always. And so I claim vibrant health as mine right now. I accept it, I embrace it and I embody it going forth into this day as Love in expression, knowing all is well.

With great gratitude and thanksgiving for this blessing of vibrant health, I release this word into the law that has already said yes. I simply let it go, knowing it is so, and so it is.

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