There is only one God, one unlimited source of divine unconditional love, creativity and abundance. I am the direct expression of this God.  Through me, life, love and creativity is expressed as God as me.

All experiences are direct opportunities to give thanks in the prosperity & unlimited potential in everyone and every situation.  I expresses this prosperity and creativity in my daily activities from the moment I wake and until rest and deep into my sleep.

As I take these words as my own, I celebrate and give thanks for my divine birth right of creativity and unlimited abundance in my self expression, relationships, nature and all other beings, everything I need is always provided.  My cup runneth over with love, creativity and abundance. 

Right here and right now I celebrate my truth of unlimited potential in all choices, people, and situations. Everything is a gift from God. I am the gift and I am unlimited creativity. I let God guide me to my highest and best good and sit firmly in the fact of this truth.

I give thanks for this wonderful and giving Truth of the Universe, and with a grateful heart I release my word into the fertile Law of mind where it is made manifest right here and now!

And so it is.

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